Tuesday, March 25, 2008

OTC locked up

We have certain OTC medicines out on the aisle that are locked up in plastic cases. So everytime someone wants something out of there, they always walk back to the pharmacy and say something like 'I need you to unlock the Excedrin for me' Sometimes it would be during the busiest times of the day (oh yea, did I mention that we're short-staffed??) when I have 4 people at the in-window, 6 at the out-window, and 4 cars (that I could see) in drive-thru. The phones are ringing non-stop and I feel like I am going to seriously punch the next person that asks me 'Why does it take 30 minutes? It's a spray! You don't have to count that. ' This is the exact moment someone would stick their head in and demand you to drop everything and go unlock the case for them. This is so inconvenient - it's never just 'ok i'll unlock it - ok here you go - bye' They always stand there and scratch their head and think out loud, 'hmmm... i dont know what to get. what's the difference?' *SIGH* TABLETS, GELCAPS, CAPLETS, EZ CAPS - who cares! When they finally decide on whatever form of pill they want, it's always followed by 'What's the difference between these three?? They all say tablets!' *BIGGER SIGH* 25CT, 50CT, or 100CT - hurry it up! 'Well the 100ct seems like the better deal' (I quickly grab the 100ct but then get interrupted) 'Oh - I doubt I'll need that many, give me the 25ct'

Recently they put up huge signs and a BIG RED BUTTON to press for assistance in unlocking those dreadful cases. This way, the SHORT-STAFFED PHARMACY will be able to actually work with less interruptions. No one. Nope, NO ONE sees it. Just like how they don't see the BIG RED SIGN that reads 'WINDOW CLOSED. NEXT WINDOW PLEASE. They continuously stick their head in while you're counting out a C-II and expect you to drop whatever you're doing to rush out there and unlock it. I just want to let the gate drop on their heads sometimes...

Friday, March 21, 2008


So a few months ago, there was a recall on certain childrens cold medicines. The reason being parents were overdosing their young children with these over-the-counter meds. Why is it that people still come up to me and complain about how their children are sick and its not fair that these meds were recalled? I can't even count how many times a day someone comes up to me and says something like 'My 5 month old daughter has a runny nose and I think she's sick, can I give her ******' Oh - and it doesn't matter that it says 'Children 2 and under-consult doctor' because I'll just give her a little bit and if something happens to her, I'm gonna blame the pharmacy.

I'm taking a new approach to people who come in on their cell phones chatting away and expect you to help them. I will greet them in the loudest voice possible and constantly interrupt them until I'm through. ...'HI!! HOW MAY I HELP YOUUUUU????' I make them verify all their info. This was day one of the new approach. So far I've gotten a few annoyed angry looks and about 2-3 that actually hung up. =)


Lady drops off prescriptions for her husband and son. First time here. Says she has no insurance and will pay cash for it. Prescription is for Allegra, Norvasc, and Prevacid. (still high even if generic) We fill it. She comes back. We tell her the total and she starts yelling. Says that the generics are supposed to be $10 each. Again I remind her that there is no such copay in her case since there is no insurance and she argues with me that she's always gotten it at that price at her other pharmacy and we need to price match - in fact, she'll bring in her OLD receipt that shows that she got it for $10. (yeah...back when she had insurance) I tell her NO. She then says fine - since we can't come to an agreement about this, how about she pays $50 total and get all her meds. Hmm... tempting but no. She then says ok - how about $75. This lady was trying to negotiate the price!! I don't make them, nor do I have any authority to change them. I offered to partial the prescription and pro-rate the price but no - she insists on getting all her meds for insurance copay price. All of a sudden, she freaks out and starts yelling about how she can't stand pharmacies because we're all just here for the money and don't care about whether or not our patients die if they don't get their meds. She goes on to say that we all try to play God and decide who lives and who dies. Come on, lady - seriously???

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Customer Rant

This is an actual call that took place today:

idiot: you guys filled the wrong drug on my prescription! i almost overdosed!
me: Ok, let's start with your name so I can see what's going on here.
idiot: it's patsy! How can you people be so irresponsible?? You're dealing with my life!
me: What's the LAST name?
idiot: *******
me: I'm showing that you dropped off a prescription for cipro which we filled for its generic ciprofloxacin.
idiot: I'm not stupid. I know what the drug is but the dosage is completely wrong! I'm supposed to be taking 500mg and the pills you guys gave me is 5250mg!!!
me: Ma'am cipro does not come in a 5250mg tablet. where are you seeing that at?
idiot: its on the pill! before it use to say 500, now it says 5250!! what are you trying to do to me??
me: ok, that's the manufacturer's marking on the pill. It's 500mg - the correct strength.
idiot: oh....i see...WELL why would they do that?!?! what does it stand for? what does it mean??? why did they do that?? can you look it up?
me: I don't know what it stands for or what it means. I can give you the manufacturers service number to call if you want to find out
idiot: yea, give me that. im going to get someone fired today! idiots! confusing people like that..